So little Finn has made it to full-term baby status!!! Any day now he can make his escape into the world! However we are hoping that he waits until at least August 31st (38 weeks) because then I can begin to receive my paid maternity leave. From the looks of it, he will probably be baking in the oven a few more weeks--hes what the ultrasound technician calls a "lazy baby"--his heart beat is right on target but hes fine to just relax in his cushy home ;)
Some other non-baby related news--our new furniture arrived today!!! Jake stayed at home while it was delivered so I came home to a brand new sectional couch and a new pillow-top mattress!!! We are so excited! The crib bedding arrived yesterday so as soon as I wash it in "dreft" I'll get the crib all pimped out and post pictures of that!
Stay tuned!!!