I can't believe its been 3 months since I last posted something! I actually have time to sit down and post something because Jake is gone again :( and Finn is sleeping :). Since I wrote last, he has begun to crawl!!! Thats his newest trick. He has also started clapping! Hes growing up so fast. He already has 4 teeth (2 on top and 2 on bottom) and is drinking from a sippy cup at daycare I just realized this today when I read his day care sheet. Those ladies have him off the bottle and eating table food snacks! What a big boy :) Finn was baptized June 5th and got to visit with his God-parents Katie and Will, his grandparents, great-grandma and cousin Courtney!
Mommy is getting the hang of things too. A couple days during the week I wake up at 5am, pump out milk then head out the door for a run at 5:45am. Jake gives Finn the breastmilk bottle while I get a run in. Then on Saturdays I meet a friend to do long runs as we are training for a half-marathon in October. Hopefully I'll be finished breastfeeding by then so I don't have that hurdle (the pump) during the trip.
We have moved down the street into a new house as of June 1 and joined the country club nearby so we can all swim during these HOT summer days and Jake can golf. So far we are really enjoying it. Alot of our military friends have joined so we have a nice group to hang out with at the pool. This weekend we are having a cook out at our new house! Even Finn has a buddy coming ;)
At work the hospital has changed over to electronic charting which is throwing everyone for a loop--and with Finn starting to wake up during the night again............my exhaustion is explained. Speaking of exhaustion, I better get ready for bed! Its almost 8pm!! :)