Wednesday, September 1, 2010

38 weeks preggers

No picture to post yet. At doctor appointment yesterday I found out that I am 1 centimeter dilated, 70-80% effaced (means=your cervix, if you were sucking on a life saver, and it was thinning out etc), and -1 station (means baby has dropped down farther into pelvis). However, Dr. P (or as the nurses call him, "papa" b/c he has been delivering babies for over 30 years) wants Finn to bake at least another week. He also said that I will make it to my due date, Sept. 15th or even Sept. 17th.

In other amusing news from yesterday, Jake came home from Pensacola so we went out to dinner for the two-for-one special at the Mexican restaurant up on North Hills st. As I was about to take my seat on the patio I unconsciously reached in by butt to dig out a wedgie and I heard two drunk girls sitting behind us bust into fits of laughter, "HAHAHAHAHA girl you is just like me, i just dig and get my wedgie too!" Ten years ago I might have been embarrassed to be called out like that in front of my date at a restaurant, but now, as big as I am, nothing much phases me. I just laughed with them and let Jake be embarrassed ;)

Time for work...........Next week I only work 3 days. Then the power walking can resume! Time to get this lazy baby making his way out!!! I want my normal shape back!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm here in NC drumming my fingernails on the table in anxious anticipation. Bags are packed and we are sitting on GO!
