Today we took Finn for his 5 day old doctor appointment. What an adventure for Mom & Dad. Jake and I headed out to take Finn to the doctor around 9am after about 3 hours total of sleep the night before. Once we were there Finn started freaking out so I had to haul-A to the nursing room and feed him since he seems to be an emotional eater and nursing him is the ONLY way we've found so far to keep him quiet. While I was nursing him he chunked his diaper--and just as the nurse was calling us back to see the doctor. Jake politely told them that we would be a few minutes. So we headed to the changing room, travel changer in tow, and attempted to change him. Naively we only brought 3 diapers which Finn showed us soon enough that 3 just wouldn't do. While we were cleaning him up he peed himself and so back to the diaper bag we go for a new diaper and a change of clothes. To frustrate matters worse, once we got to the smaller doctor waiting area, the nurse asked us to strip him down to just a diaper so he could be weighed--so Finn got mad and chunked his diaper again...............sigh.......
Once the doctor came in, Finn was on his best behavior. He was looking around and being so peaceful. The doctor was so impressed that Finn had already gained back to his birth weight! Jake and I were so proud of him and relieved that the constant nursing was working like a charm.
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