Monday, August 16, 2010

almost 36 weeks........

Why does everyone assume women are pregnant only "9 months?" NO one tells you that you're actually pregnant for TEN long months---40 weeks......anyway, so wednesday (2 more days) I'll officially be 36 weeks! Only one month to go before our little bundle of joy arrives! I couldn't be any more anxious for him to be here. #1--I can't wait to meet him, hold him, cuddle him etc. #2--contrary to popular belief, I am not an attention nazi and will be glad to have random people stop staring at me, pointing at me and asking me questions. Today for example, a patient's family member asked me if I was carrying twins. Then one of the orderlies at the other hospital pointed at my belly and goes, "too many 40's eh?! I have that problem too." as he rubbed his own pronounced pot belly. If its not rude questions like that, its overly friendly randoms in the grocery store like the man jake and I encounter Sunday, "well is this your first? well bless your heart! I ain't never had one myself but my heart goes out to ya--how much longer you got?" Come on people! We just want to buy our produce in peace and be out of there. Hopefully Finn will make his appearance soon and people will go back to politely ignoring me ;) Next doctor appointment on Thursday! Hopefully more news to post by then..........

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to be there to welcome the wonderful bundle of joy!
